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Fun game :) Really like the way you fit the theme by working together with your past corpses haha. I never did find the dog, since I found the jump timer very long and a bit frustrating.

Very much enjoyed the fact that your corpses have physics to them. The graphics are also lovely, though the camera could be positioned a little higher. I felt like there was a lot of dead space at the bottom of the screen. Maybe adding some verticality to the levels would improve this?

Solid jam entry!

(1 edit)

I've removed cooldowns and added in more things, check out the development log for more details on what I've done :)


This is a really neat game. I like how you twisted the theme of "stronger together" so that you had to use your own dead bodies to complete the game.

However, the jump cooldown was very frustrating. Most of the game was just waiting for it to be over. 

Still, it has a lot of potential. I was interested in seeing where it was going the whole time.

Read the development log update :) I've removed cooldowns and added a bunch more stuff :)

Cool really cool. I also completed my first game jam today.

My first game jam game -

Thanks, liked your game too and left a comment on it! :)



Nicely made. 

Using bodies as physical objects is an interesting idea and fits the theme very well. It would be better if the box collider is a square instead of rectangle.

The game would feels better if the jumping cool down time is a little bit shorter I think.

I had issues with the jump cooldown sometimes it would be quicker sometimes it would be slower, it's a bug and it is something that i do need to work on but just didn't have time to unfortunately


I don't know what logic you used for cooldown but it sounds like a frame rate issue. If it is then try to count the cooldown in fixed update instead of update. If it isn't, then I don't know XD.

I've removed the jump cooldown and attack cooldown and added and tweaked a bunch of stuff, check the development log :)